What are the delivery times ?
Orders to the United States will generally arrive anywhere from 7-21 days, depending on shipping location. Some products are available in our US warehouse and will arrive within 6-10 days. Others items may ship from overseas warehouses and generally take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Estimated delivery times are included in all product descriptions so customers can know the estimated delivery window.
During the holiday season it may take up to an additional week. International orders generally take 3 -5 weeks to arrive but may take up to 8 weeks for certain countries.
You will receive an email with tracking information (if available - see below) when your order ships. If you're still not sure, just check the order lookup page or email us. We're happy to clear things up. If your order hasn’t arrived within the estimated delivery times, please contact our team at: contact@mobilegadgethq.com
I ordered several products but I received only one for the moment, is this normal?
 Order of different items may ship from different warehouses and/or suppliers so multiple items on the same order generally ship separately and you may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they will get to you! You will receive a separate email with shipping information if items ship separately. Please review that email to confirm if your order will be coming in multiple packages.
How do I make a return or exchange?
Items can be returns for up to 90 days from the original day of purchase. To submit a return request simply fill out our Contact Us form with the details of your order and return quest.
Shortly after one of our team members will be in contact us with you to complete your request
What are the return deadlines?
What is the order cancelation period?
We know how important it is to receive your order quickly so we do our best to ship orders as fast as possible. Once you placed your order, we begin to process it immediately and any requests to change or cancel an order require Contact us immediately and we will attempt to accommodate your request based on the status of your order.
I PLACED AN ORDER BUT I DIDN'T RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAILConfirmation of Order emails are sent for every order so make sure you provide a valid email address at checkout and make sure to check your SPAM folder to see if your confirmation email was sent there.Â